March 9, 2010

No Pudge Fudge Brownie

Okay, so I don't normally blog about food, but I'm making an exception for this guilt- free desert that will keep us in our skinny jeans. I can't take the credit for learning about this delicious find though. Recently on Twitter Lauren Conrad talked about how great Trader Joe's no pudge fudge brownies were. My first thought was, yeah right skinny bitch! I have to admit, I initially bought them to discredit this fat free find, but boy was I wrong!
The recipe calls for an 8 inch pan, which I do not own so I went with a 9 inch round, and that seemed to work fine. You mix the brownie mix with fat free vanilla yogurt and bake! The batter is out of control good. I may or may not have licked the mixing bowl. What? Don't act like you are not going to do the same thing!
The end product was amazing soft fudge brownies that I challenge you not to eat in one night with your family!


Lindsay Hosanna said...

They got that stuff at Jewel too!! To die for :)

Natalie said...

I REALLY wish I didn't give up chocolate for lent.