August 24, 2010

My hubby got me a new camera!

Isn't it beautiful?! I am in LOVE! I seriously am obsessed with it. The first day I had it I went outside and just shot different flowers and spider webs. I was trying to figure out my settings and get used to the camera in general. No better way then to jump right in right?! Here are two of my favorite shots that came out of that mini project.
I am super excited to NOT pay for kid portraits any longer! I can do it way better then JC Penny with this bad boy!
I am also excited to upgrade the photos that will be used on my blog. Hope everyone enjoys the better prints from here on in!


Lindsay Hosanna said...

I love your new camera! the pics are so amazing! And thanks for grabbing my button!! xoxox

Balancing Lisa said...

Thanks! and No problem coo!

Tiffany said...

Jealous! This is on my Christmas list this year too.

Balancing Lisa said...

Hope you get one Tiffany! They are worth every penny!!!