I attended Autism One this year thanks to the persuasion of Nicolette of Momnivore's Dilemma. Here is what I wore to day 1:

Dress: E Street Denim, Vest: Express, Belt: Forever 21, Shoes: Target, Earrings: swap w/ Kaitlyn, Stackable Rings: Shop Jules, Ring: C/O J Good, Watch: C/O Kristin Hassan
She told me in advance how overwhelming it would be, but I thought she meant overwhelming like a lot of info to take in, lots of vendors, etc. It was overwhelming emotionally and mentally as well (which I was NOT prepared for) and I cried after leaving the first day.
I guess I thought I was doing a good job(ish) by my son so far. I know we haven't gone full on bio medical yet, but I guess I didn't realize how far away I was from it either.
Needless to say I had a mild panic attack while sitting in a lecture called "What's Next? Exploring your options by Anju Usman, MD. I literally left the room with my notes full of words I needed to go home and look up! I felt guilty, I felt under prepared, I felt like I needed to make changes...NOW! I immediately went and bought new vitamins and probiotics. It did make me feel a bit better. ;)
Check back Thursday and Friday for day 2 and 3 of my Autism One Experience.
**Check out how I styled this dress for a night out on the Sisters Marie Blog!
**Check out how I styled this dress for a night out on the Sisters Marie Blog!
Ohhh Lisa! I am sure you are doing an awesome job taking great care of your son!! It was prob just a lot of info that made you feel that way. Don't beat yourself up! he is lucky to have you as his mommy!! And you look great by the way! :)
I can only imagine that you're doing an AWESOME job. Though I've never met you in person I can tell you're incredibly caring and sweet and I can only assume you're that way with your son as well. I already made mention of how much I love your maxi dress on the other blog- but I love the vest you're wearing with it here!
This is a wonderful post. You're doing an amazing job. Looking forward to the other posts.
We are starting ABA therapy for Henry this week. I do not buy any probiotics or feed him gluten free. He has one of the best pediatricians in Chicago and basically she told me all that diet crap is hogwash. But if it's working for your son, great! I wouldn't even know where to begin b/c Henry is so picky if we restricted his diet he would starve to death. He barely likes to eat anything.
I will never attend a Autism event like that. I have no interest in feeling the way you did after Day 1. I just don't want to put myself through that. We spent over $50,000 in the last 2 years on therapy for Henry. That is enough. We will spend that much again this year. I can't do any more.
And I'm so sorry if I sound like I was attacking you in my comment. I just get angry when "doctors and experts" play upon the vulnerability of parents who have kids with special needs. We are so desperate to do anything to help our child we'll throw away money on things that are not going to help them. I feel like those people are playing upon your fears. That's my point. Again sorry if I sounded defensive. It's a sore subject for me. :-)
No worries Heather, I totally know what you're saying!
I actually had a very positive next 2 days there (thurs. and friday's posts) but yes, lots of money to be thrown at things if you are new and don't really know what you are doing. ;)
My guy did ABA for about 12 months, it really helped him develop new words and then sentence speech. I still don't know what he's saying a LOT of the time, but he does it much better now. And when i'm desperate, I'll say "show me" and he gets his binder out. xo
Lisa I know for a FACT that you have done, do and will continue to do the absolute best for your amazing boy! I think it would be strange if you didnt get overwhelmed with the amount of info thrown at you. That truly shows what a dedicated and willful mother you are and you will not let anything ever stop you from your son everyghing he deserves in life. So with that said stay positive, I know you always are and ALWAYS know you are doing the right thing! Oh, you look amazing as always Lisa! ;)
thank you Gwen! xoxoxxoxoxo
to new beginnings.
and cute outfits.
We all do the best with what we have. The amazing part is you are yearning to learn and do more-obviously you are an amazing Momma to your son (not that I doubted it-ever!)
You look and are FAB :)
When I think about moms that inspire me you're definitely one of them. I aspire to be a great mother like you when my little boy comes - it takes a lot of patience and requires a lot of work, but you make it seem all so easy.
OMG! Before I read on I thought the dress in Missoni! Beautiful!
I think it is good for us to get involved in any charity event whether we are involved directly or not with the cause. It teaches us to be more aware and realised that life is more than just us.. very inspiring.
Come see my new post on maxi skirt here :
You look so beautiful! Love that maxi...
Don't be overwhelmed...you do an amazing job...it is probably SO much information at once and probably SO much to take in...but you are one inspirational and incredible mama...
I didn't realize your son was Autistic? I don't know how I missed that. My little brother is autistic as well. He'll be 13 this month.
How old was your little guy when you did ABA? I almost feel like Henry's too old for it now. He only says a couple sentences but a ton of words. I'm hoping this helps him with more conversational type language.
How did you find out your son has a gluten allergy? Did you have him tested? I am always curious how you would know?
emailing you now! ;)
you are a wonderful mom and your son is lucky to have you! I am sure you are overwhelmed (normal) and just think of all of the incredible things (tools) you will learn and inspire us to be better parents too :)
LISA! Give yourself some credit, puh-leeeease! You go above and beyond every day. Your family is lucky to have you. XOXOX
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