February 28, 2013

Because They Grow Too Fast...

As most of you already know, myself and Kaitlyn have a website call Because I shop too much
BISTM a market place where men and women can buy, sell, and swap their clothing and accessories.
Well, we are expanding and our new "sister" site has launched!

Both sites open to US residents only at this time.

Please "like" our NEW FB page as well!  


Sarah Hartley said...

You guys are doing such a great job!! Congrats on all the success.

Baby Shopaholic said...

I know you gave up on me but I gotta do this one!

Cherelynn said...

Hi dee ho Gorgeous! This is such a great idea!
It’s not hump day-nor the weekend-it’s that quasi odd spot of the week where leftovers for dinner are a given. Hope this finds you doing awesome-and if not, buck up lil camper because tomorrow is a brand new day!
Ciao ciao for now!
P.S. I’m doing a free webinar for beauty consultants, if you know an Avon, Arbonne or MaryKay lady who could use more sales and bridal clients, would you share this link? Thanks!
Visit http://makeupuniversity.blogspot.com/2013/02/free-webinar-how-to-build-your-bridal_23.html

Polly said...

Good on you.

Anonymous said...

This is the best idea I have ever heard! What a money saving idea! I spend so much on children's clothes to have them wear them only once or twice. Now we can extend the wardrobe in a more cost efficient way.