November 2, 2010

It Came, It came!



My first delivery from New Beauty Test Tube came today! I quickly tore open the box to find all sorts of goodies. Along with all the fun samples came a full size can of hair spray, a full bottle of vitamin chews, the latest copy of New Beauty magazine, and a $20 gift card to
I can't wait to start using some of these. I'm going to try the night cream tonight and the hair serum tomorrow. I'll keep you posted if I find any must haves in this round!


JLynne said...

That Moroccan oil for your hair is the best thing in the world!!! Don't use too much- your hair will look and feel greasy... and don't fall in love with it until you're ready to pay for it.. it is so, so, so expensive... but amazing. :)

Teresa said...

I was just going to talk about the Moroccan oil! Lisa you will LOVE it. Yes, pricey, but SO WORTH it!

Wendy said...

wow - tons of goodies!!! enjoy!!

Flashes of Style said...

lovely! <3