June 17, 2011

Las Vegas! Day 2 outfit 1


Cover up: Victoria's Secret
Bikini: Victoria's Secret
Flip Flops: Victoria's Secret
Hat: Charming Charlie
Bag: Target
Earrings: H&M

Okay, so I like Victoria's secret, so what! lol I was super excited and then panicked when we booked Vegas 9 days in advance, so I bought a few bikinis and cover ups online right away. Surprisingly I loved (and kept) everything! On this day we had breakfast outside at a french bistro Bouchon and then headed out to the pool. We ended up renting a bed poolside and spent 5 hours drinking, swimming, kissing, and taking fun pictures! We had a great time, went up to take a nap before our night 2 debauchery! ;) Night 2 outfit post Monday. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

PS, not sure why the pics say different dates on them. It was a new camera and the display was all sorts of messed up (so was the saturation). I will get that taken care of stat! lol But the Vegas pics will be all off. What can you do?....

PPS, My hubby's band (Lucky Boys Confusion) is playing a show tomorrow night at the House of Blues in Chicago. If you don't already have tickets, you can get them here! Hope to see you all out! xo


jenn~the stylish housewife said...

SEXY mama! you make me want a fedora! i haven't been to Vegas in YEARS! looks like you had a blast!

~xo, jenn
the stylish housewife

melissa rose said...

you look smoking hot in that first pic, (and dont take this the wrong way!) but your *ahem* upper region looks fantastic in that dress! lol

Sarah Greenman said...

I love that you're both making that cute pursed lip face! Lookin' good girl!

Lori said...

loving the look! wish i could pull of a fedora like you :)

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I am JEALOUS!!! Have a great time.

oomph. said...

love the poolside feet shot! weather looks freakin amazing there!


Balancing Lisa said...

Gosh, thanks ladies! and Melrose, I'm DYING laughing! ;P thank you!

Celine said...

I think I lied in that exact spot by the pool last time I was in Vegas!

Lauren {whimsy lane} said...

What a HOT couple! Yowza! :D

Eva said...

that pool looks soo inviting to me right now!


Christina Key said...

The second pic is so so cute! :)
Okay, I'm not 'old' but 'older' x)
Thanks for your comment dear.

FashionJazz said...

U look gorgeous!! Love the pics babe : )


im in desperate need of a hat like this!

erica said...

Loving your outfit!
