I love the gym, there I said it. I practice yoga 2-3 times per week between a local studio and my living room (using the Daily Burn), but I also go to the gym. I find that doing cardio 3-5 times per week in the mornings really makes me feel better during my days. Since I tend to get ready for my day post workout, I have come up with a few hair hacks. I mean, I have to get through the rest of the day without looking like I sweat all morning, even though I actually did just that. ;)
Top //Pants // Bag // Sunglasses // Shoes // Fitbit
I usually have my gym shoes in my bag too (as my gym doesn't allow outside shoes on their equipment), but here are my top five must have gym bag essentials:
I usually have my gym shoes in my bag too (as my gym doesn't allow outside shoes on their equipment), but here are my top five must have gym bag essentials:
I either put my hair in a pony tail as soon as I get to the gym, then dry shampoo after and I'm good to go. Yes, the dry shampoo I tagged above is seriously the best and I am able to not look like I just worked out. My other solution is the Perky Pony. This thing is a life saver post gym! Also, it's perfect for everyday wear making your regular pony tails (and braided up do's) much fuller and beautiful! They are under $20 and come in all hair colors.
Before & after using Perky Pony:
What's in your gym bag?
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