March 3, 2016

Outtakes: Volume 6

It's that time again! Cleaning out my iPhoto and sharing a few of my favorite outtakes from my latest outfit posts. This round was just as funny, and my opinion stands that these are my favorite photos to go through. Without further ado, I give you my latest installment of outtakes, volume 6:







As most of you already know, I currently write for two blogs (Stilettos and Diaper Bags & Sisters Marie), so I've got a lot of "cutting room floor" type posts. Feel free to check out more of my outtakes (posts here, herehereherehereherehereherehere,  here, herehere, and heresince we are already keeping it light today. 

What do you think of this round of outtakes? Which from above is your favorite? 

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