July 8, 2016

Luck is Everywhere!

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You may recall from previous years that I am one lucky lady who gets the pleasure of working with the Illinois State Lottery. In the past, they have sent me to see Erykah Badu and 311 so this year when they reached out, I couldn't wait to see who was playing. I was elated to find out they would be sending me to see The Roots and Donnie Trumpet. The excitement grew and I felt super lucky when Chance the Rapper announced he would be opening as well. I mean....perfect line up!

 Like last year, the show was at The Taste of Chicago at the Petrillo Music Shell (Columbus Dr. & Jackson Blvd.). The setup was identical to last years, complete with VIP seating along the side rail, food tent stocked with everything from fish tacos to Lottery cookies, private tables and seating for chatting with other attendees, and clear views to seeing the acts enter and exit the stage. Not bad at all. If I wasn't feeling lucky enough, I just happened to be walking by as Quest Love was walking in. I looked up and was like "oh, hey!". To that he responded "What's up?". My night was made!

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They had quite a turn out and we were so excited the rain stayed away! The security did say that after Chance the Rapper announced he was playing, the seats sold out within minutes. What a perfect night for food, music, beautiful city views, and hanging with my husband!

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(Chance the Rapper)
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(The Roots)

After the show we decided to take the long way out and check out the Taste of Chicago a bit. We grabbed a few yummy treats and took a few more photos. All in all, we both had a great night. The Roots had so much energy, actually all three acts did...which means I didn't sit down once! I lost my voice from singing so much and my face actually hurt from smiling so much! I love a night of dancing while listening to bands that I enjoy. It's even better when you get a great hook up and get to see said bands so close! Thanks again Illinois State Lottery, Luck is everywhere!

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Did anyone else attend the Taste of Chicago yet this year? Have you attended in years past?

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