November 30, 2017

Christmas Cards with Shutterfly

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It's that time of year again folks, time for holiday and Christmas cards that is. This year, I have teamed up with Shutterfly to create my family Christmas cards. OK, I have to say it, these are my favorite cards to date! I don't know about you, but I look just as forward to sending out our cards as I do receiving them. My cards will all be sent out today, and I will be stalking my mailbox all month for the cards my friends and family will be sending to my family. This is the second Christmas at our new home, and last year I found the perfect place to display them.

I love hanging up all of the holiday cards I receive around our downstairs hallway mirror. It's the first thing you see as you walk down the stairs in the morning, right before you turn and see our Christmas tree. This is also the spot that I sit and drink my morning coffee, so it's become a tradition that makes me so happy. It's fun to see how not only my own family has grown and changed over the years, but how our friends and family have grown and expanded as well! 

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Making my Christmas cards on the Shutterfly website was such a positive experience and a super quick and easy one at that. There are so many card styles to choose from, and once you narrow it down, you can customize it even further. Below were my top eight cards. Shutterfly makes it so simple, as I just clicked the heart button every time I saw a style I loved and moved on to find more of my top picks. Once I looked at my photos that I had professionally taken, I realized there was no way I could narrow it down below four photos. Using the filter tab on the sidebar, I was able to pull up cards that home multiple photos as well as the color schemes that I was loving. This helped me narrow my search even further and expired the search quite a bit. Spoiler alert, there are so many options to choose from! 

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In the end, below is the card I went for. It had the rustic look that I loved, could accommodate four photos, and once I started personalizing it, I fell further in love. I started by adding the photos I wanted on the card and then chose the shape of the card-stock. I really love the rounded edges. Next up, I choose a gold envelope and a lining that matched the back of my card. In the end I added a small photo on the back of the card just to give it a little something extra. I have to say, the more I personalized it, the more I got obsessed with Shutterfly. The choices were endless you guys! There were so many colors and prints for the inserts and envelopes and it didn't stop there. I could have even added a return address stamp to all of the envelopes and even uploaded my address book so that they all came pre-adressed as well. Talk about making your life easier! 

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Here are the photos that were used for our Christmas card this year. The photo shoot my family took left us with almost 130 beautiful photos. As in there was not even one of them that I don't like (a giant thank you to Sheena!) I took advantage of Shutterfly's Black Friday's deal and picked up a few ornaments and canvases for my home. I also plan to make a photo book out of the photos guessed it, Shutterfly can do that for me too! It's my one stop photo shop you guys.

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Have you made your holiday or Christmas cards yet? What do you think of the ones I designed this year? Stop by Shutterfly today to find out what discounts and deals they currently have going on! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today, I hope you make it a great day! xo
*This post is sponsored by Shutterfly but the opinions and review in this post are my own.

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