March 15, 2012

Lust and Must

I have been LUSTING over these Cole Hann Alisa Oxfords for some time now, but at $178 I knew we were not meant to be. ;) Not to mention they are sold out in my size pretty much everywhere!! Okay, so you got me, I did try to rationalize getting these.
So, what's a girl to do?! Find a must item of course! I found these beautiful Dolce Vita shoes for $79. They are still a neutral color and have that pop of neon under. I think it's a good compromise. Done and done!
I love that I didn't splurge on these shoes. This is not a style shoe that I generally wear (but I have secretly always wanted to try a pair). Now if I don't wear them as much as I think I will, I won't feel as bad about buying them. See how my mind works?! lol
What do you think? Should I have got my lust item or do you love my must item?


Sarah Hartley said...

I think you made the right choice. Especially since they aren't a style you normally wear. They're a lot of fun! Can't wait to see how you style them.

Alicia xoxxo said...

I love the way you rationalize!!! Thats exactly how my mind works too! :)))

agnes said...

j'adore, elles sont superbes

Baby Shopaholic said...

I am not an oxford fan but those Cole Han have made me change my mind!

The Millers said...

I'm loving the lust pair, but yours are definitely equally adorable. Good choice!!

The Mrs. and The Momma said...

If I were in your shoes (ha! pun intended), I would have done the exact same thing. The pink ones look awesome and I can't wait to see how you style them! Great find!
The Mrs. and The Momma

Gwen said...

I think I love the shoes you bought better than the original pair you liked. Can't wait to see how you style them! :)

Balancing Lisa said...

Thanks! I really like them and am glad I went down in price too! ;)

Blog Lamongan | LA Mania said...

I like the model of shoe. very nice and very attractive style.