September 16, 2013

Outfit: School Night

This past Thursday was curriculum night at my son's school. The heatwave is over and it's starting to cool down so I wanted to wear something practical. 
I have been holding this top since June waiting for cooler weather to wear it. 

Here is my off to the school look:
 photo GoldenTote_zpsb8820e33.jpg  photo bb42423d-77a5-438d-b850-f01176fd386a_zps71694a5b.jpg  photo EmeraldGreen_zps257dfb5e.jpg
Top: Golden Tote (June) // Shorts: Loft // Bag: Just Fab //Shoes: Victoria's Secret // Watch: Fossil // Ring: House of Gemmes (currently selling for $5!)  

Perfect for sitting in and learning about what my son is up to this year. 
Also perfect for this nuts weather we are having. It was 75 degrees when I got there and an hour later it was 63 degrees. I was actually kind of cold! ;) 

What do you wear for casual nights out?


Sarah Hartley said...

Cute look. And I always have hair envy when I see your pics.

Balancing Lisa said...

awww, thanks! I need a hot oil treatment stat...glad you can not tell! lol xo