August 14, 2014

TSF Box Service

Let me start by saying I am obsessed with Carly of Thirty Something Fashion. Her mom style is amazing, she has impeccable taste in not only her clothing but in what she buys for others, and she is an incredible personal shopper and stylist (fast, efficient, and organized). Not to mention if she did not live so many states away I'm pretty sure we'd hang out often. She is just such a nice person!

This is my second time using her box service (last time here), and yet again I was blown away!  

Here is a bit about her box service:
"A customized box filled with clothing and accessories tailored to your needs from my favorite boutiques is shipped directly to your home. This innovative service is perfect for women on the go. I specialize in boutique shopping, avoiding large scale retailers providing you with fun modern clothing that you won’t see on everyone. There is a $450 minimum and clothing must be tried on within 48 hours of receipt. $50 service fee"

This time around I asked Carly for separates for everyday wear. I also asked her for a few date night options and (as always) items that keep with my boho side of style. This is always fun because I can mix and match them with what's in my current wardrobe and get items I just can't find in stores where I live.  

She does prefer to style the full outfit and add accessories, but I was wanting to spend my budget on just clothes. We all know my jewelry collection is getting out of hand! 

Here is what was sent:

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Carly sent about double of what my budget was to make sure we would have lots of options to choose from. I tried everything on and made piles to keep and send back. I was very proud that I stayed on budget this time! I was also glad I tried every item on as some things I thought I'd be keeping for sure, I ended up sending back. There were others I was unsure of and then ended up keeping those!

Here are some of the looks that have been featured on my blog in the past few weeks that came from my latest box service:
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There are still more items I have not worn yet too! I LOVED what Carly picked for me and I can't wait until I can order this service again. It really is so refreshing to have someone shop for you. It allows you to try new styles that you would not normally pick out for yourself. It also got me items that I would not be able to find here in Illinois. I have to say it is awesome to go out and know for sure I will be the only person wearing what I'm wearing.

Would you try a box service? What do you think of the items she chose for me?

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